Rick Bloomenfeld: KE-E-E-E-E-E-E-G!
Kyle: That's my cousin Rick. He just turned 21. Pretty awesome.
Rick Bloomenfeld: 21! Yeah!
Lane Kim: What is that - beer?
Zack: No, it's one of those milk kegs.
Brian: Ha. Good one.
Lane Kim: There's beer? Is that legal?
Dave Rygalski: Well, apparently, Rick is 21.
Rick Bloomenfeld: 21! WHOO-HOO!
Dave Rygalski: Or just really into that particular integer.

Lorelai: No, Luke, thanks for doing this. It's exactly what the contractor said. We just wanted a guy with a good butt's opinion.
Sookie: Yeah, Tom has a terrible butt.
Luke: Please stop that.

Luke: Back when I was on the track team, we went to State three times in four years, and won it twice. Think they made buttons and put up banners? They couldn't care less.
Lorelai: Luke, that's because track is for dorks.
Rory: Yeah, it's true. I'm sorry.
Luke: Okay, the conversing part of this morning is now over.

Mrs. Kim: You have everything you need? Food, water, music notes?
Dave: Yes
Mrs. Kim: Where's your tambourine?
Dave: We don't have one.
Mrs. Kim: Next time bring one.
Zack: (to Brian) Dude, remember the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket?
Brian: Totally!

Emily: Lorelai, hello.
Lorelai: Mom?
Emily: You remember, I'm so touched.

Richard: (about Trix's boyfriend) Do you really think he was wearing a track suit? Well, I wonder if he was wearing Nikes also.
Lorelai: 'Just do it' takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it?

Luke: Uh, listen, I just want you to know that I had a little talk with Jess earlier.
Lorelai: You did?
Luke: Yes, I did, and I really laid down the rules concerning him and Rory. Trust me, he now knows that I am going to be watching them every second they are together.
Lorelai: Oh good.
Luke: Yup.
Lorelai: You know, they're together now.
Luke: What?
Lorelai: Oh yeah. 'I have to get a part for my car,' 'I'm going to go study' - that's kid code for 'Meet me at the previously agreed upon location far away from my clueless uncle.'
Luke: You're kidding me, right? You don't really think that...damn, they are! They're together. They used the kid code and now they're together!

Rory: Can we not say the word "college" for at least forty-eight hours?
Lorelai: Fine.
Rory: Thank you.
Lorelai: How 'bout "collage," can we say "collage"? 'Cause it sounds the same, but it's actually very different.
Rory: Collage is fine.
Lorelai: Okay, good, 'cause I don't even know how to get through a conversation without using the word collage.

Rory: We go. We look. Hi Yale. Bye Yale. It's over. No harm, no foul.
Lorelai: How many more two-word sentences can you come up with?

Lorelai: Why are you sitting over there?
Rory: Where?
Lorelai: At that table.
Rory: Huh? How did I get here?
Lorelai: You sat there.
Rory: This chair's very close to that chair so you understand how I could've made the mistake.
Lorelai: Move over here with me?
Rory: Why don't you move over here with me?
Lorelai: Because I'm not the one who sat in the wrong chair.
Rory: I think it's a little presumptuous to assume that my chair is the wrong chair when my chair could just as easily be the right chair.
Lorelai: No.
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: Because I'm the leader of the clan. The provider of the household. The Alpha male. And the one whose feet just fell asleep. So there's absolutely no chance of movement.
Rory: Fine.

Emily: And what do you intend to do with that paper clip?
Lorelai: I intend to carve something really dirty into the bathroom door.
Emily: Lorelai.
Lorelai: What rhymes with Nantucket?

Luke: They did? I was at the dance, how come I didn't know about this?
Lorelai: Because you're you.

Gilmore Girls Season 3 Quotes

Rory: Louise, what is your grandmother wearing to graduation?
Louise: Hopefully the pearls I get when she kicks.

Jess: I need ham.
Ceaser: No ham.
Jess: We got a shipment of ham yesterday!
Ceaser: No ham.
Jess: Ceasar, there is a lady over there that has been saying she wants ham for the last twenty minutes and if I go back there empty-handed, there is a fifty-fifty chance that she will eat me!
Ceaser: No ham!
Jess: Then sew some bacon together because that woman is getting ham!