Ginny: It's my mom. She's done something really messed up. I can't even say it. Just think of the worst thing you could do.
Marcus: Murder someone? Oh, okay

Ginny: Why'd you do it, mom?
Georgia: Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.

Everything I do is for you and your brother. If you don't trust me, trust that.

Maybe I'm being cruel.... You're her high school love and that's fine. Pin her, take her to the dock hop, whatever. But if you love her, don't hold her back when the time comes.

No more secrets, ok Peach? That's the only way this works.

Georgia: I miss my friend.
Ellen: I miss you too.

Georgia: They're not your kids!
Paul: Wow.
Georgia: That came out too harsh. I just mean that I've got it.

Ginny: Paul, you need to know what you're marrying into.
Paul: Okay, I can get down with this.

Ginny: Friendship is about supporting each other, and a friend wouldn't write someone off without having the full story.
Max: The full story? Do I really need the full story of how boned my brother because I'm pretty sure I know how that went?

We really tried to stop it because I love you too.

I love you, Ginny Miller. Today, tomorrow, forever.


Paul: One more thing—Georgia is now in charge of mayoral social media.
Georgia: Really?
Nick: I don’t advise…
Paul: You are creative, and you know how people think, so of course, you can do it.