Callie: So you're willing to give up on your career to support hers?
Brandon: No, I'm willing to make compromises. You know it's what you're supposed to do in relationships, right?

I think that you're not where you thought you'd be, and playing your dues is hard, so this gives you an excuse to quit.


Callie: Have you seen Mariana?
Malika: No.
Callie: If you see her, can you tell her I'm going to KILL HER?!

When a loved one does time, so do we.


Dennis: I didn't have three weekends to put the galaxy on your ceiling so.
Davia: I'm sorry. I didn't get you anything.
Dennis: That's not true. I don't know where I'd be without you.

Diane: I never thought that washing other people's feet would be so --
Jim: Gross?
Diane: Jim!
Jim: What?

Malika: Wait, why aren't you with your fam?
Isaac: I was, you know I have two families now.

Dom: You OK?
Malika: Yeah, I'm just thinking about mom.

Callie: You're not going to answer him?
Mariana: Anonymous was right, be a good person, but don't waste your time trying to prove it.

Lena: Hey, if you want to go to Venezuela, you have my blessing. We swapped phones again. I want you to have your new chapter too.
Stef: It's for a year, Lena, it's for a year.
Lena: Our love will survive the ages.

Jamie: I really didn't think it was going to be this hard to give this to you. It was supposed to be more romantic. I hope you like them.
Callie: They're beautiful.
Jamie: The big part of this gift is underneath the velvet. Callie Adams Foster you already have the key to my heart, have a key to my place where you're welcome anytime.

Alice: Thanks for saving the Coterie.
Dennis: The Coterie saved me.
Alice: I love you so much
Dennis: I love you too.

Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Malika: It's going to be harder for Dom. He's still grieving.
Isaac: And you're not?
Malika: I grieved my mom long before she died.

Alice: I love you so much.
Malika: I love you, too. What's going on?
Alice: Nothing, nothing. Just, tis the season.