Serena, you helped me find myself. Now I hope you are just as lucky.


Life isn't a fairy tale, and happy endings are few and far between.

Olivia: I was just thinking, I didn't really give you a chance to know both sides of me. And I guess I was wondering if you'd still want to.
Dan: [pauses] I don't know why I'm pretending to think about it. Yes, of course.

[to Dan] If you want to date Georgina, then more power to you. I would just check to see there's not an ice pick under the bed.


Judging by the size of the sock on the doorknob, I didn't want to knock.


Chuck: You can't outbid me. How do you expect to win?
Blair: Your lack of focus.

Vanessa: Okay, fine, I understand, you can't give out class schedules. But, please, I just need to know if he goes here.
Registrar girl: There's no record of a Scott Adler in our system.

Dan: You're being pretty open-minded about this whole Georgina thing.
Serena: Well, it's just that I've never been more pleasantly surprised than when I started dating Carter.
Dan: Dating? You're dating Carter Baizen now? Is Chuck not available?

Whoa, '72 Bowie is a dead ringer for Shakira.


[to Dan] Please tell me it was Blair and not Georgina!

Serena and Vanessa

Serena: Dan?
Dan: Oh. Of course.
Serena: Did I just catch you on a walk of shame?

[to Dan] From Serena to Georgina? Quite a fall, even for you.


Gossip Girl Season 3 Quotes

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Chuck Bass, up to his old tricks.

Welcome back Upper East Siders. After a long hot summer away, I see it didn't take you long to dirty up the clean slates I gave you. My inbox is overflowing, so let's get to the good stuff, shall we?

Gossip Girl