Chuck: I guess the old Archibald charm wasn't as rusty as you thought. Unlike the knife in my back.
Nate: I talked you up to her like you asked me to. She wanted nothing to do with you.
Chuck: Don't sugar coat it.
Nate: I like Raina. All right? And she likes me. I didn't mean for it to happen this way but it did. I'm sorry.

Why would a friendship based on fight suddenly end in flight? They say we only run from the things that truly scare us.

Blair: Excuse me. Why aren't you at MOMA meeting me?
Dan: I decided to grab lunch with my dad instead. Why aren't you at MOMA meeting me?
Blair: I'm standing you up.
Dan: Ah. Well apparently great minds think alike.
Blair: But I had good reason.
Dan: And I would love to hear that reason, but my dad is gonna be out any second. And I haven't scouted an exit strategy for you, so...

Blair: You were right. This is a much better idea than spending the day pretending to like some German pedagogue of art. I'm going to shop until you drop.
Dorota: This could happen at any time.

Ben: So if you haven't already guessed, Serena and I are more than just friends.
Cynthia: You think I don't know? Why'd you think I came to New York?
Ben: How'd you figure it out?
Cynthia: It doesn't matter.

Serena: Most people's favorite pizza in Manhattan is John's, but I've always been partial to Joe's—
Cynthia: I'm lactose-intolerant.

Dorota: Your new secrecy, calmness with Mr. Chuck, supporting Miss Serena's new boyfriend. And last week I find NOVA documentary in your Netflix queue!
Blair: What are you doing in my queue?!
Dorota: You and Lonely Boy are having affair!

Dorota: Don't want to make you late to.... What exhibit is it again?
Blair: Joseph Beuys. Why?
Dorota: Maybe I could go with you.
Blair: You don't even know who he is!
Dorota: He created term "social sculpture" to illustrate idea of art's potential to transform society.
Blair: How do you know that?
Dorota: From Mr. Humphrey's New York magazine I found in your room!
Blair: Just what are you implying?

Rufus: Well for what it's worth, when Lily and I started hanging out again, neither of us wanted anyone else to know. But friendship can be an excuse—a cover when there's something more you don't want to admit, or you're too scared to explore.
Dan: No... no. No. I mean, there's no way. I mean even the thought of that is—
Rufus: Scary.
Dan: No, I mean we're not even friends. I swear... we're not.

Dan: You ever hung out with someone but not been able to tell anyone?
Rufus: You mean, ah, hang out, hang out or, you know... "hang out" hang out?
Dan: Oh god, this was a bad idea.
Rufus: What? That was vague.

Rufus: So why did you want to grab coffee with your old man?
Dan: Do I need a reason?
Rufus: No, but you have one.
Dan: I, ah, I need your advice. But I gotta keep the details vague.
Rufus: Please, the vaguer the better. It keeps parenting a challenge.

Lily: Someone who knows about Ben is trying to send a message.
Chuck: Subtle.

Gossip Girl Season 4 Quotes

Serena: So what does it say about Chuck?
Blair: I couldn't be less interested. Serena gives her a look. No new posts. He's been MIA since he left town this spring.
Serena: What does it say about us?
Blair: "Ooh la la! Paris is burning and Serena and Blair lit the match." Of course your flame is hotter than mine. Everyone knows that the only guy who's been in my pants all summer is the tailor at Pierre Balmain.
Serena: And whose fault is that? B, just as many guys have flirted with you. I just happen to have a thing for French waiters.
Blair: And bartenders. And museum docents. Anyone on a Vespa or bicycle. Or wearing Zadig & Voltaire.

Serena: Blair what are you doing? We said we wouldn't check Gossip Girl all summer.
Blair: Summer's almost over.