And the person who I trained, the person who I mentored, fired me without a word of apology or regret, and my own wife said nothing to defend me. Not one word. I know I have my part in this, but I do not see myself forgiving anyone but myself anytime soon.


So I just go home?!


You had the baby! I tried to call. I didn't hear from you, and then I had the spidey sense. 


Teddy: Don't blame Owen. It's my fault. You are such a wonderful man ...
Tom: Oh, I know I am. I'm funny, and I'm smart, and I'm kind when I want to be. Generous with my money and my tongue in bed, so you will regret this decision. And when you do, I'll still be here because I'm in love with you, and I know this thing with Hunt is not going to last. And in the meantime, we are friends.

Jo: I hate that I did this to you.
Alex: Did what?
Jo: Became another name on your list of crazy women.

Mer's lawyer: Dr. Grey's bleeding heart got the better of her. But she is an award-winning surgeon. She saves lives every day --
Judge: Did you bring an actual violin, counselor? 

Jackson: There's something there that is broken beyond repair.
Maggie: In this metaphor am I the thing that's broken beyond repair? Am I the thing that should be thrown over a cliff now?
Jackson: No. No, not you, Maggie. Us.

Amelia: So you're still broken up? That's sticking?
Maggie: It's very, very sticking. I think I deserve better than someone who regularly abandons me for, you know, trees. So yeah; it's sticking.
Mer: You're OK, right?
Maggie: Oh yeah, we're fine. Our parents are married fo each other, so we're friends.
DeLuca: Or like siblings.
Maggie: We're definitely not like siblings.

Vic: I am just getting out of a serious relationship.
Jackson: Me too
Vic: Did you love her?
Jackson: I did, yeah.
Vic: Me too. And he died.
Jackson: I'm really sorry to hear that.
Vic: Yeah, me too.
Jackson: So probably not the very best time for both of us to be dating someone new.
Vic: Yeah probably not. Because we're both supposed to be miserable for as long as possible.
Jackson: Well, when you put it like that.

Teddy: Tell me, how's work?
Bailey: I fired all of my favorite people, and my least favorite person has power over me. And my righteous anger is exhausting.

Richard: I applied with a job last week with Pacific Northwest General. Did they call you? I put you down as one of my references.
Alex: I don't know.
Richard: You don't know?
Alex: I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number.
Richard: You don't check your messages? I hate your generation. I hate any generation other than my own.
Alex: Same.

Carina: I've been wondering if you would come see me.
Amelia: You have?
Carina: Well, I've been noticing the changes in your body and the fullness in your breasts.
Amelia: Oh, well I didn't know it was mutual.
Carina: Mutual?
Amelia: I mean I kinda had a crush, but I didn't know if ... .

Grey's Anatomy Season 16 Episode 1 Quotes

So I just go home?!


And the person who I trained, the person who I mentored, fired me without a word of apology or regret, and my own wife said nothing to defend me. Not one word. I know I have my part in this, but I do not see myself forgiving anyone but myself anytime soon.
