IZZIE: "You guys seen Bailey? What are we doing?"
GEORGE: "Uh, checking out the new Chief candidate."
MEREDITH: "The Chief sent in a ringer. We're lurking in a way that subtle when there was two of us, but isn't now that it's 12."
CRISTINA: "I heard it was someone from Stanford. All the professors there loved me."
ALEX: "They loved you?"
CRISTINA: "I was a great student."

GEORGE: "How you doin?"
MEREDITH: "Okay, everybody? Let's just do this once: I'm fine. She's cremated. I picked out a beautiful urn and she's hanging out in the back of my closet. Any more questions about my dead mother, or can we get back to work?"

IZZIE: "He's in George's room, and when George's stupid marriage crashes and burns, he's gonna wanna move back in, and he won't be able to. His life will be in shambles, he'll finally notice that his dad is dead, and he made a fool of himself by marrying someone he doesn't really love, and he'll have no place to go. Is that what you want?"
MEREDITH: [sarcastically] "That's exactly what I want."
ALEX [to Izzie]: "Look who found some clothes."
IZZIE: "Shut it."

IZZIE: "Oh. Okay. You're crazy now."
MEREDITH [laughs]: "I'm alive."
IZZIE: "Yeah, okay."

IZZIE: "I can't have him living in the room right next door. It's weird."
MEREDITH: "People are what matters. Alex is one of our people. We can't just leave him out in the cold."
IZZIE: "'People are what matters.' You don't like people. Is this about your mother?"
MEREDITH: "No! I had a near-death whatever and I was dead. And now I'm not. So, I'd like to use this chance I've been given to be more positive. People are what matters. Paint with all the colors of the wind."

IZZIE: "What's wrong with where he was living before?"
MEREDITH: "I don't know where he was living before."
IZZIE: "Probably a whorehouse."

IZZIE: "Alex is moving in?! To this house?!"
MEREDITH: "He's taking George's room."
IZZIE: "Why?"
DEREK: "I was asleep just a minute ago."
IZZIE: "Uh? And I was naked - in the bathroom - when Alex walked in. I'm lucky I didn't come out of the shower to see him peeing all over the seat."

IZZIE: "What the hell are you doing here?"
ALEX: "Movin' in."
IZZIE: "What?!"

IZZIE: "Alex!? God!"
ALEX: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen it all before."

[narrating] "People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers."


MEREDITH: "I was swimming. I was fighting. Then I thought, just for a second, I thought ‘What’s the point?’ And then I let go. I stopped fighting. Don’t tell anybody."
DENNY: "Okay."
DENNY: "Izzie."
MEREDITH: "You can see her?"
DENNY: "No. Sometimes we’d be at the same place at exactly the same time and I can almost hear her voice. It’s like I’m touching her. I like to believe she knows I’m there. That’s all you get. That’s it. Moments with the people you love. And they’ll move on and you’ll want them to move on. But still, Meredith, that’s all you get. Moments."

MEREDITH: "Is this really happening?"
DENNY: "I don’t know. This is your afterlife, not mine."

Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Quotes

I wanted to come over here this morning to tell you... But now all I want to tell you is that I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you forever. And now you have a choice to make. I want you to take all the time you need, I don't want to rush you, but I love you. Just take your time. Because when I had to make a choice... I chose wrong.


What, so all of a sudden I'm the president of people with crappy lives?
