Derek: So that's it. No surgery. You're just gonna walk away.
Owen: I'm respecting the patient's wishes.
Derek: The patient's unstable with an open would.
Owen: Which we are packing.
Mark: This guy's circling the drain.
Derek: You cannot just walk away.
Owen: Don't tell me how to run things in my ER.
Mark: Your ER?

[to Owen] We save lives here. We don't just patch up patients and leave them to die. If you can't handle that, go back to the desert, and leave us here. To do our jobs.


[to Callie] Dr. Torres, please tell me you can figure out a way to build this man some legs.


Okay then... she's a little off.


Miranda: Our cardiac wing is extensive, and well equipped with all-
Dr. Dixon: The first successful heart transplant was performed on September 7, 1896, by Dr. Ludwig Wren, in Frankfurt, Germany.
Miranda: ... okay.

Alex: I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt...
Miranda: No, please, inter ... Please, update Dr. Dixon on the patient.
Alex: [to Dr. Dixon] Dr. Stevens is prepping your patient for surgery. They scheduled a transplant six years ago, but the heart was too small. So they doubled up and added a donor heart to help his own heart function. They did a piggyback ...
Dr. Dixon: Heterotopic ... transplant. Piggyback is the colloquial name for the procedure. Don't do that.

Sadie: This woman is the reason I went to medical school in the first place. I figured if a slacker like 'Deth could be-
Cristina: MER.
Sadie: ... slicing people open then I could too!
Derek: Meredith's not a slacker.
Sadie: Oh, I could tell you some stories...
Meredith: But you won't.

Cristina: So Sadie, you postponed your residency to work in a ... morgue.
Sadie: Yeah, you know, none of the cutting, none of the rules. But I got bored. Got a craving for blood that was flowing.
Meredith: And now you're here. I can't believe you're here!

I've seen a lot of trauma, but never anything like this.


Alex: Was there this much blood in his urine before?
Lexie: No ...
Cristina: He's going to need a bedside-
Alex: Dibs on that.
Cristina: No no no. That's mine. And his bladder repair is mine too.
Owen: Get away from that man right now!

Owen: Are you deaf, Karev? I said step away from him.
Alex: I'm just saying that we're saving his li-
Owen: No what you did was pick over him like vultures. What you did was treat a man who's fighting to live like he's already dead. You have no sense, no decency and no respect!

Cristina: The wife's here, of the beating victim. She ID'd her husband, so I-
Owen: What's his name? I was wondering if you found out his name so that he would become a person to you. They're all people, you know. This is not a game or a competition, who gets surgeries and who doesn't. They're people and we get to save them. Now you're good. You're excellent and you can win all the contests. But if that's why you're doing this then you shouldn't be. Did you find out his name?
Cristina: My dad died when I was nine. In a car accident, I was with him in the car. While we waited for the ambulance, I tried to keep his chest closed, so he wouldn't bleed so much. When he died, my hands felt his heart stop beating. That's why I do this. It's also why I win all the contests. The patient's name is Tom. [leaves]
Owen: Single malt scotch.

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Quotes

[narrating] We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood. The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. the problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories. The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. The nightmares always seem to become the reality.


Meredith: What happened!?
Cristina: A bus in front of him hit a telephone pole. He tried to swerve and miss it, but ...
Meredith: How bad is it?
Richard: Meredith -
Cristina: Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong.