Erica: I can't believe I didn't know this.
Callie: Erica, the Chief is right-
Erica: No. You. I don't know you. At all.

Erica: I went to the Chief about Izzie Stevens and he completely shut me down. Well, we'll see what he says when I report this to UNOS.
Callie: Wait, what? Why? What good would come of that?
Erica: What do you mean?
Callie: What possible good would that do? Would it affect your patient's outcome?
Erica: My patient wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her!
Callie: So you're going to report this to UNOS and cost this hospital its transplant certification? Cost its patients organs? Cost people their jobs? Cost Izzie Stevens her career ...

Erica: Wait, so you're taking Izzie Stevens' side in this? Over mine?
Callie: She's a doctor. She's one of our doctors. There's a reason we have each other's backs, Erica.
Erica: Please, don't talk to me about a code. Because this is not that.
Callie: No, this is that.

Callie: Look, I don't know what happened between Denny Duquette and Izzie Stevens that night, but unless you were in the middle of that situation, I don't see how you can make a judgment.
Erica: Easy. There's right, and there's wrong. And this, was wrong. And illegal. There is no gray area here. You can't kind of think this is OK. You can't kind of side with Izzie Stevens. And you can't be kind of a lesbian.
Callie: Yes, I can.

Erica: I'm gonna stop you right there. Look. I don't get attached to patients. But I like this guy, and I've spent almost two years giving him hope, and then taking it away. This procedure will buy him time until he can get another shot at a transplant. We need to make sure it works, okay?
Meredith: Absolutely.
Izzie: Of course.

Erica: Have you familiarized yourself with the case?
Meredith: Michael Morris, 44-year-old male with congenital hypertrophic cardio myopathy. Failed medical treatment at Seattle West. Been waiting on a heart transplant since narrowly missing out on one on May 14 of Two Thousand and ...
Izzie: Wait... May 14 what?
Meredith: What?
Izzie: That's Denny's heart. That's the heart I stole for Denny.

Cristina: 3, run these by the lab, and then go down to the morgue and get the forms for an unclaimed body.
Lexie: He needs a chest tube, right? I was just thinking, with the solo surgery coming up, that-
Cristina: With the solo surgery coming up your job is to impress me. Go.
Owen: Dr. Yang with the solo surgery coming up your job is to impress me. You're planning for his death while I'm fighting for his life.
Cristina: I was trying to be prepared, I'm sorry ...
Owen: I can't use sorry. I can use a doctor. Be one.

Richard: Ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce Stan. State of the art computerized patient simulator. Stan can educate you in patient management, trauma assessment and care. He breathes, he pulsates, he hemorrhages, he seizes, he secretes. And he speaks. Hello Stan.
Stan: Hello, doctor. I am not feeling well.
Richard: Stan will tell you what he needs. And he's more forgiving than most patients. You kill him, he'll keep coming back for more. So make good use of him, people.

George: We're operating on robots now?
Alex: Can we please go back to pigs.
Cristina: Yeah, what about people?
Miranda: Well when the Chief decides which one of you gets to do the first solo surgery, you'll wanna be ready.

I do not know what it will be, I do not know when it will be. I do know that the winner should be prepared to do any surgical procedure and will choose one intern to scrub in. So practice your skills, impress your attendings, and do not make me look stupid.


[narrating] For a surgeon, every patient is a battlefield. They're our terrain. Where we advance, retreat, try to remove all the land mines... and just when you think you've won the battle, made the world safe again. Along comes another land mine.


[narrating] Some wars result in complete and total victory. Some wars end with a peace offering. And some wars end in hope... But all these wars are nothing compared to the most frightening war of all. The one you have yet to fight.


Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Quotes

[narrating] We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood. The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. the problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories. The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. The nightmares always seem to become the reality.


Meredith: What happened!?
Cristina: A bus in front of him hit a telephone pole. He tried to swerve and miss it, but ...
Meredith: How bad is it?
Richard: Meredith -
Cristina: Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong.