Lexie: Meredith, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail.
Meredith: Ugh.
Thatcher: I heard that you got married on a sticker. That's great.
Cristina: We should go so you can have family time.
Lexie: No, I don't . I don't know what's wrong with him.
Meredith: Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar Lexie? That might be a clue.
Thatcher: Uh, I'm not. I haven't been drinking I just... (Thatcher throws up blood)
Cristina: Now that could be surgical.

Izzie: What are you doing?
Cristina: Just making sure everything's running smoothly here. And... it is. Kudos.
Izzie: Oh, no, no, no, no. Ah uh! Oh, no! I am on Hunt's service. Anything that turns surgical down here is mine.
Cristina: You don't need the hours, you spent the last 6 months in the OR.
Izzie: Unconscious on a table. It does not count.

Cristina: I'm done, finished, expired meat.
Meredith: You're freaking out a little bit.
Cristina: Well, you haven't been kicked off 2 services in one month. I couldn't get into an OR if I was bleeding half to death. You got anything good?
Meredith: I'm scrubbing in on an optic glioma later on with Derek. I've never seen one.

Cristina: What have you got?
Steve: Um, diabetic ulcer.
Cristina: Down to the bone?
Steve: No.

Cristina: Anything?
Meredith: Nope. There was a papillary muscle rupture in the CCU but the guy died before they could get him into the OR.
Cristina: Crap! I need surgeries and I need them now. I've already had 100 hours in the OR this month, and you know they keep the residents with the most hours.

Mark: What about my burns center?
Derek: You were right, excellent danish.

The Mercy West staff will be arriving in 3 days, and when they do there will be more cut backs, and more layoffs. And, I need each and every one of you to step up and be leaders. And, when I can answer your questions I will. If you'd like to make an appointment to talk about your concerns we can do that.


Derek: He brought us down here to make himself feel good.
Mark: At least he sprung for good danish.
Derek: Do you know how many nurses got fired for that danish?

I know it hasn't exactly been easy around here the past few weeks, and I know you want answers. But, I'm afraid I don't know them. Not just yet.


Alex: We could move back to Meredith's.
Izzie: You did not just say that!
Alex: Why not?
Izzie: Because, we're married now. This is how it's supposed to be. You and me, out in the world, making a life for ourselves. Besides, don't you just enjoy waking up to the fresh air and the sounds of birds chirping.
Alex: You know what I enjoy? I enjoy plumbing! I enjoy plumbing so much!
Izzie: It's not that I don't love it at Mer's. I do. It's just, I just, I can't move backwards, Alex. Not after everything that's... I just need to keep moving forward. Ok?

Izzie: Are you sure it was a bear and not a deer? There's a lot of deer in those woods. Bucks can get pretty big.
Alex: I think I know the difference between a bear and a deer.
Izzie: (to patient) Rest, ice and elevate. Ok?
Alex: You know... You know how I got the the car? I had to throw a raw steak and run for my life!
Izzie: That was a 10 ounce fillet, I'd been marinating it for 3 days.
Alex: We have to move!

We begin life with few obligations. We pledge allegiance to the flag. We swear to return our library books. But as we get older we take vows, make promises, get burden by commitments, to do no harm, to tell the truth and nothing but, to love, to cherish till death do us part. So we just keep running up the tap 'til we owe everything to everybody and suddenly ... what the.

Meredith (narrating)

Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Quotes

In medical school, we have a hundred lessons that teach us how to fight off death, and not one lesson on how to go on living.

Meredith (narrating)

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, when we're dying or have suffered a catastrophic loss, we all move through five distinct stages of grief. We go into denial because the loss is so unthinkable we can't imagine it's true. We become angry with everyone, angry with survivors, angry with ourselves. Then we bargain. We beg. We plead. We offer everything we have, we offer our souls in exchange for just one more day. When the bargaining has failed and the anger is too hard to maintain, we fall into depression, despair, until finally we have to accept that we've done everything we can. We let go. We let go and move into acceptance.

Meredith (narrating)