Eddie: Well, I sniffed her out.
Nick: Good boy.

I don't need you for what you know. I need your nose.


Whoa there 5-0. Don't you have a partner for this?


Harper's Beeman just buzzed me. Yeah, I just went there.


Nick: What are you doing?
Eddie: No way, dude I can't be around that guy he's way too potent. I almost bought him a drink.

Eddie: Okay, who am I supposed to be?
Nick: Just yourself.
Eddie: That's a little disappointing.

Eddie: Hello?
Nick: Hey, it's Nick.
Eddie: How did you get my new cell phone?!
Nick: Are you kidding me? I'm a cop.

Juliette: Well, how do you know you're not being stupid by being with me?
Nick: I don't, I just, I think there's a lot more to it than that.

Eddie: Really?
Nick: Look if I had anybody else I could talk to about this stuff I'd go there.
Eddie: I feel like I should complain.

When do I have time for a bed or breakfast?


It's funny if you knew it was there.


Wu: I guess they're gonna have to face the music.
Hank: Really? You went there?
Wu: Somebody had to.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
