As long as we're digging up the past, we may as well dig up your mother!


You act like I'm responsible for everything. But I only did what I did to you because you took my child from me.


Adalind: Now all we need's my mother.
Rosalee: I thought she was dead.
Adalind: Well, she couldn't help if she was alive.

Uh... after eating one of Adalind's cookies and eating half my carpet, I'm not all that keen, but whatever you guys need...


So, thanks, Mom, for being dead when I needed you the most.


It almost sounds like Jack the Ripper was a Grimm, only he left their heads on.


Rosalee: Now all we have to do is get Juliette to take it.
Monroe: That would be a snap, 'cause, you know, the last time she took something we gave her, boy, that worked out like gangbusters!

Adalind: If she did that to the trailer, what's she going to do to me?
Hank: You mean besides kill you?

Hank: What if Jack's not gone?
Rosalee: Then shoot him for real!

Bud: I don't know how you guys do it. I mean, living with this tension all the time!
Hank: For one thing, we don't use bats.

Well, this should be a jolly good romp!


Monroe: We have to put on a show.
Nick: We may have to shoot him.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
