Renard [sees Adalind's powers have returned]: Well. That's interesting. Does Nick know?
Adalind: No.
Renard: Are you going to tell him?
Adalind: I don't know.
Renard: This feels very familiar.

Rosalee: I don't think there's a cure.
Monroe: On, no, there's a cure. It's called the parents taking any child suspected of being a lycanthrope and burying them -- alive.

So, we've got a man and his Wesen loose in the woods.


Adalind [about Nick]: We have a son together.
Renard: And *we* have a daughter.
Adalind: Well, maybe I should live with *both* of you. Wouldn't *that* be fun.

Nick: What if we're right?
Renard: They you'll be dealing with a raving lycanthrope locked in a jail cell.

Hank: Doyle definitely wasn't lying about there being an attack.
Nick: Yeah. But who attacked whom?

At least we don't need a chicken...

Rosalee [about a ritual]

Rachel Wood: To win, you'll need a family.
Renard: You proposing? [long beat] Or are you pregnant?

This takes a facelift to a whole other place.

Hank [regarding a victim who had his face removed]

So, we're thinking it's some kind of healing-stick-magic-wand thing?


Maybe that's why they buried it in the first place, because the Gates of Hell are gonna open and the world as we know it is gonna end.

Wu [on the mysterious hidden treasure]

Monroe: It's a stick?!
Hank: It looks like a stick.
Wu: A really old stick.
Rosalee: It can't be just a stick.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
