It's all over for me. I can't give you to him. Do you know what he would do you to you? He'd BITE you. It's better you leave with me.


Ding dong, the dragon's dead.


Will: Is Hannibal IN LOVE with me?!?
Bedelia: Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you, and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes. But do you ache for him?

Chilton: What am I doing here?
Dolarhyde: Atoning, Dr Chilton.

You could have provided anything that Chilton could have. That would have been your lip I was tasting...Again.

You set me up. You knew it. You put your hand on me in the picture like a pet.


Hannibal Lecter does have agency in the world. He has you.


Alana: We were trying to enrage him.
Hannibal: Congratulations.

The tragedy of what happened to Chilton has put me in an excellent humor.

Hannibal: It didn't hold up to scrutiny.
Chilton: Of course it didn't, I was lying! On your behalf!

Will Graham interests me. Not very handsome for an investigator, but...purposeful.


Jack Crawford, fisher of men. Watching my cork move against the current. You got me, again.


Hannibal Quotes

Graham: What are you smiling at?
Lecter: Peaking behind the curtain, I'm just curious how the FBI goes about its business when it's not kicking in doors.

Lecter: What are we looking for?
Graham: At this stage, anything really, but mostly anything peculiar.