You're not wearing Claire, so you're not allowed to shrink me.


Duke's a jerk and I have no intention of further supporting his crummy establishment.


Well, this will be a mighty cold case by then, so we better wrap it up.


Now don't let them cut this shirt off, it's a winner.


Duke: And then you kissed me.
Claire: No way.

Oh no no no no no no no, I'm not going to be responsible for putting a deadline on thousands of people's lives. I could just be a guy who's obsessed with WebMD!

Amnesia Man

Audrey: Have you, ah, have you heard of The Troubles?
Amnesia Man: Is that a band or something?

Amnesia Man: Gear down there Champ, I'm the one without a gun.
Audrey: That doesn't mean you're still not dangerous.
Amnesia Man: Right, because only the most hard-core criminals roll with only one shoe.

Audrey: Nathan, if it turns out that I go away, there's some things that I want you to know.
Nathan: That sounds important.
Audrey: Important. And, overdue.

Nathan: There is no us.
Jordan: Yeah. I figured that part out.

You're not immune to the Troubles, Nathan. If we had Ginger, we'd have you. If we had you, we'd be able to control Audrey.


Ginger: Audrey said that she would take met to my dad.
Jordan: She's lying. She knows what you can do and she wants to put you away somewhere, all alone.

Haven Season 3 Quotes

The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Nathan: You just punched me against the room!
Duke: Yes, that's true.