Sylar: Your wife is kind of hot.
Parkman: Enough!
Sylar: That is the second Parkman I made scream today.

My power is understanding people like you. That's what I do.


We need to jump start the real Sylar. Wake the sleeping lion.


Maybe you have to figure out who you were, to be figure out who you wanna be.


Nathan: Every time there's a secret buried somewhere, I find you with a shovel behind your back.
Angela: You should write Mother's Day cards.

Claire: Mr. Bennet, what do you think your greatest strength as a salesman is?
HRG: Well, if they don't agree with me, I can always just shoot them.

I'm like a Swiss Army Knife of super powers now.


Nathan just hasn't been himself lately.


Governor: Tracy, is that you?
Tracy: Hello, Governor. I'm back.

I don't wanna be anyone other than me. I just wanna be Claire Bennet, daughter of Noah Bennet.


Parkman: I'm out.
Angela: There's no such thing as out. Not for people like us.

I don't feel mortal. I feel invincible.


Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys