It’s like an iron hand is gripped around my heart and is yanking it out between my ribs.


It is a thing of divine precision and power. Such an exquisite example of the Authority’s design. Such beauty in its order.

Father President MacPhail

The magisterium is an institution that fears what it doesn't understand, and it turns on its own.

Mrs. Coulter

In the beginning, man was given the gift of dust. It ignited his mind and freed his will, but that free will has corrupted mankind. Dust shall be drawn into eternal darkness once more. That which was given shall be taken away.


I’m not like the two of you. I’m here for something other than my own interests.

Commander Ogunwe

Everlasting prison? Why, then, my daughter is staging a prison break!

Lord Asriel

Love makes us fragile in ways we cannot fathom.

Serafina Pekkala

Every part of me is aching to be part of the universe again.

Lee Scoresby

Don’t try to live in a world that’s not your own, no matter how tempting it may seem.

Jopari (John Parry)

Father Jerome: If you won’t stop...
Mrs. Coulter: You’ll do what, exactly?
Father Jerome: I’ll fetch support.
Mrs. Coulter: Good. [rubs his arm] We all need support.

I am the agent of change. I am the harbinger of your kind’s destruction.

Lord Asriel

The fuss she has caused is out of proportion with any of her merits.

Lord Asriel