I must have heard your mother's version of Le Vie en Rose a million times over the years. Every night when she'd tuck you in for instance. That performance, that first night I ever heard her sing. That one will always be my favorite.


You know what's weird Stella? Not seeing Star Wars until you're 30.


There is always a strip club.


If you keep lying to me, if you keep cutting me out of decisions, if you keep using words like winning and losing when you talk about our marriage? It's not like it will happen all at once, but if you keep acting this way, little by little, you're gonna lose me.


Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.


Ok I think my fiancé peed himself a little.


You guys see the irony here. The only person who could possibly get Barney back on his feet is Barney.


Robin: No! We are not doing Weekend at Barney's!
Ted: But that's the dream!

No no no! Ted do not give me that look.
Ted; A mountain of food, a ticking clock? Come on you live for this stuff.


I finally found the one Marshall. Her name, is Bacon.


Barney: I need you to help me pick the suit I'm gonna wear when I walk down the aisle.
Ted: Ok, Robin walks down the aisle you wait at the end of it.
Barney: Ok then the suit I'll be wearing when they all stand as I enter the chapel.
Ted: Also her.

Is it weird to get married in a suit that you may have worn while banging a female rodeo clown? I know what you're wondering. Yes the carpet matched the drapes.
