I've been staring at the walls for like three days. I need company, otherwise I might go all red rum on your ass. Although, something tells me you might be into that.

Rebecca [to Wes]

Laurel: We finally have a client I don't hate.
Asher: Really? The guy who shot his dad in the back?

Annalise: Did you love her?
Sam: No. It was her, she was persistent. She kept coming to me about her family, about her boyfriend. Annie, she was just lost.
Annalise: Just like you found me.
Sam: No.
Annalise: That's how you like your mistresses, huh? Weak, broken, messes that you just clean up.

Somebody woke up in the mood to fight this morning.

Annalise [to Laurel]

Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?

Annalise [to Sam]

Rebecca smile. You're going home.


Let's hear it for the greedy little pig.

Marren Trudeau

Wes: How do you know it's one of her employees?
Annalise: I don't. I just know everybody hates their boss.

Honestly, we think there's a Benedict Arnold up in this joint.


Well take some notes kids. Because this is what pilates can do for you.

Marren Trudeau

It's your big mouth that motivated our client into a confession.


We are so, so screwed.
