Willa: There’s that woman from court.
Raylan: What woman?
Willa: That woman you aren’t staring at. You should go talk to her. You aren’t getting any younger and maybe it would be good to have someone in your life.
Raylan: I have plenty of people in my life.
Willa: That’s good because I’m not about to take care of you when you’re old.

Barry: Give me one good reason I should do anything you say.
Raylan: Because up until now, no one has been hurt except a Cadillac CT-6, but some of the agents and officers up here, Barry, especially the ones by the toaster oven, are a little hungry and a lot irritable, so if I was you, and I was sincerely interested in saving my ass, I’d open the door, talk this out, and end it while I’m still breathing. Come on, Barry, what do you say? Head to the SUV out front instead of the afterlife?

Carolyn: Why can’t anybody just do the right thing?
Sweetie: It’s a little early for the big questions, isn’t it?

I tried to hold up a guy in Whitefish a few weeks back. Put the gun to his head, and he asks me if he can Venmo me. I mean, I got so damned depressed, I went straight to the nearest bar and just drank myself stupid.


Carolyn: So, you were going to put a black man in the trunk of your car?
Raylan: If necessary, I would’ve put a white man in there too.
Prosecutor: Your Honor, the marshall is not the one on trial here.
Carolyn: Give me a minute and he will be.

I want everyone here to get one thing straight. Right now. I have thrived in this racist-ass city in this racist-ass system for over thirty years. Gonna take more than a car bomb to keep me from meting out justice! Now, are we all clear?

Judge Guy

Justified: City Primeval Quotes

Willa: C’mon, Dad, I don’t want to do this.
Raylan: I’m guessing you’ll think about that next time you consider punching a girl in the face.
Willa: I barely touched her!
Raylan: You broke her nose.
Willa: She deserved it.
Raylan: That’s not the point.

There’s no such thing as ‘on time.’ You’re either early or you’re late. And where you’re going, we’re going to be early.
