Yvette: What are you doing here? I gave you a mission.
Dave: I know. And I failed. Hard.

Kevin: How do you stay so still?
Tyler: As a kid, I'd spend hours in front of store windows pretending I was a mannequin while my mom went shopping. One day she left me there overnight. So much fun.

Ignacio: So, what do you hope to get from all these measurements?
Amy: Insight.
Ignacio: Yeah, but you lose possibility. As long as you don't know, anythings possible.

Free will is the greatest gift to humans.


Kristin: So, my mom's your new project?
Kevin: Well, I was just trying to help.
Kristin: You want to help? Get her to go back into treatment.

Yvette: You just want her to like you so you can get some brownie points with her daughter.
Kevin: Well, I have no control over that.

Yvette, we need to save this place!


Amy: How'd you do that?
Kevin: Do what?
Amy: You were ten feet away from Reese?
Kevin: What are you talking about?
Amy: I know what I saw.
Kevin: What did you see?
Amy: I don't know. nothing.

I need you guys, though. I really do. I can't do this without you.

Nate: Look, I'm sorry. I should have told you about Kevin and Reese, but I think you're maybe being a little harsh on your brother. It's just that I've seen him actually give a stranger the clothes off his back. And from what I hear, he does that kind of thing all the time.
Amy: Great. Amazing. A mental unstable Mother Theresa.
Nate: I'm just saying he's not a bad guy. in his own way, he's doing something good.

Look, Kevin, you need your family.


Kevin: I'm a different person now.
Amy: I wanted to believe that, Kevin. I really did, but I'm never going to let you hurt her like that.