Dahlia: You make those wonderful honey things. It's so nice to finally meet you.
Mama Boone: You hurt my boy and I will gut you like a fish.

I don't get it. He says you have a mole but he's giving you one last job. I think he's setting you up.


You know, before honey the family was known for whisky. Going back 250 years, before the Revolutionary War even. Now you boys have had a shock. You need to sit a spell, relax a bit... and then figure out how the hell you're gonna cut the head off that damn snake.

Mama Boone

Jet: They found blood at the scene. I had the lab rush sequencing it. And it's...
Bell: It's Sam's blood.
Randall: Sam, the cop that went m — Wait, they found his blood at the place my brother works? What does this mean?

Stabler: Seems like cutting ties was a mutual thing.
Angus: Seems like that. Well, if he wants a war, I guess I got one more in me.

Angus: I heard of users leaving their families, but I never thought... Nolan is not that guy!
Stabler: Yeah well everyone has something. You see the man but you don't see his demons.

Bad things happen but we have to have each other's back. At the end of the day, we are all we've got.


The guy is like Teflon. If he gets a whiff of danger, he cuts and runs.


Randall: You know, my other brother's a cop. Detective Stabler?
Cop: Sure he is.
Randall: Come on. We have the same last name. Where's the brotherly love?
Cop: Down in Philly.

Jet: I'm with you.
Bell: It's the worst assignment there is. I didn't even want to ask.
Jet: I'm not leaving you alone either.

Bell: Is that Stabler selling honey?
Vargas: That's more than honey if you know what to ask for. At least we know Stabler's safe.

Angus: I saved this place from the ashes, Ma.
Mama Boone: By making a deal with the devil.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Quotes

Artificial intelligence in policing isn't the future. It's here.


Stabler: Did you take something?
Tweak: I'm good. I can drive.
Stabler: Tweak, if you mess this up, I can't help you. We're almost there. Just hang in there.
Tweak: I already got one dad that hates my futs.
Stabler: You listen to him as much as you listen to me?