Listen to me, Sydney. There was nothing more you could do. You saved yourself. You did everything right.


Benson: Just after you came out of the townhouse, I got a call from the hospital. It wasn't a good call. Rosie Meadows, the girl you attacked... she's brain dead, and her parents decided to pull the plug.
Seth: I'm sorry!
Benson: You're sorry? You ended her story last night.

In my experience, boys like you start with animals, and then you slowly become one.


Rosie's Father: How much? We'll pay any ransom, just tell us the amount.
Benson: We have no reason to believe this crime was financially motivated. We haven't received any request like that.
Rosie's father: Then why did they do this?
Carisi: I know this is hard to wrap your mind around, but some people just want to cause others pain.

Mrs. Lynch: Why would they let her call if she'd been taken?
Curry: There could be several reasons.
Benson: Most likely, they wanted us to stop looking for her.
Mrs. Lynch: But you won't, will you?

Carisi: Noah's a strong kid.
Benson: Strong enough to learn his father was a rapist?
Carisi: You were.

Ann: This city... the world... so much chaos. Why even try?
Benson: Because we don't have a choice. We can look away from the ugliness, but it's still there. And you didn't look away, did you?

Ann: I sit at my window all night. That tells me all I need to know about the world.
Fin: How about you come down to the station?
Ann: No. I never leave this apartment.

A word of advice. If you didn't do anything, don't run from the cops.


Benson: Javier swears neither he nor his cousin is gay.
Carisi: It doesn't matter if they are or they aren't. Perps thought they were, that's a hate crime.

Cop: Homeless guy said he heard the perp shout 'homo.'
Benson: Homeless guy? Where is he?
Cop: Long gone.
Benson: Ah. Well, have your guys find him.

Fin: How you doing?
Benson: Good.
Fin: Well, that's a lie cause you're drinking boxed wine.