Lightman: Talk amongst yourself for a moment. Dave, she's my best friend, just handle with care.
Gillian: Don't let him scare you off.

Lightman: I thought I said...
Gillian: Talk amongst myself? I got bored.
Lightman: Really?

Cal Lightman: Well, that's the official version.
Ria Torres: You think there is more than one version?
Cal Lightman: There is always more than one version.

Lightman: I am nothing like my mother. Except for that time I mooned the Queen.
Amanda: Of England?!
Lightman: Yeah, I don't know what came over me.

Clara Musso: Are you trying to get me drunk?
Cal Lightman: Me, No, Never..... Absolutely.

Addison: That man's death was a tragedy.
Cal Lightman: The kind of tragedy that could kill a political career, unless your name is Kennedy of course.

Look at him, he sticks out like a tart in a nunnery.

Cal [looking at Henry while they're in the bank]

Did you only marry mom because you got her pregnant?
Lightman, no, no, I'm not that much of a gentleman.


Lightman: What were we talking about?
Emily: Don't be a plonker.
Lightman: You get that mouth from me girl, don't you forget it. Hey Em, this book's in French!

Painter: You know what they say. When life gives you lemons...
Lightman: ... chuck em' at people.

The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead


Martin Walker: A good chess player thinks five moves ahead.
Cal Lightman: Great chess players only think one move ahead, but it's always the right move.

Lightman: I have recommended to the Judge you be sent to a mental hospital.
Zach: Why would you do that for me?
Lightman: Prison will only take your freedom. But at the hospital, the pills they give you will take your mind, and make no mistake, DOCTOR Foster will make sure of that.... personally.

Lie to Me Quotes

Weil: You haven't done enough muck-raking for one day?
Ria: Sir. We don't think you were doing anything sexual at that club, because, I believe this escort, Melissa, who you paid for time with-
Weil: What about her?
Ria: She's your daughter.

Gillian: Do you still have that note, that I brought you? I want it for my office.
Cal: (handing over the note) You really are a pack rat.
Gillian: You could have just told me what this was for.
Cal: No. You're a terrible liar.
Gillian: Normal people think that's a good thing.