Naomi: Is it just a little bit possible you are playing the grief-card with me?
Lightman: I resent that... Is it working?

Naomi: Are you hitting on me?
Lightman: In this place? Would be a bit creepy.

Lightman: You hang in there.
Robber: For what?
Lightman: Oh, don't be a wanker, there must be someone something.

You hired us to vet your staff and your security. Right now you are hoping she screwed up so you can blame this on someone else. Amusing? A laugh a minute. But YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!


Lightman: All I was trying to say in there was I want him on the street getting a life, not in there getting a latte.
Gillian: Why didn't you just tell him that then?
Lightman: And spoil all the fun?

Detective Farr: Lightman, what do you want?
Lightman: Every cop in this city to pass a fitness test.

Prince John: You see me running?
Lightman: My advice to you, dust off your sneakers princess.

Ria: We are breaking down the video into micro-expressions.
Lightman: I'll break you down into micro-expressions in a minute.

Lightman: That's not bad for seven bucks.
Wollowski: You know about wine?
Lightman: It's made from grapes.

Lightman: Tell me something that is a lie. Anything you want.
Wollowski: I hate you.
Lightman: That's perfect.

Do you know what the first line of his book is? "Let there be Lightman."


Lightman: I spoke ill of your grandmother today, never done that before.
Emily: It's ok dad, if you killed yourself I wouldn't forgive you, either.

Lie to Me Quotes

Weil: You haven't done enough muck-raking for one day?
Ria: Sir. We don't think you were doing anything sexual at that club, because, I believe this escort, Melissa, who you paid for time with-
Weil: What about her?
Ria: She's your daughter.

Gillian: Do you still have that note, that I brought you? I want it for my office.
Cal: (handing over the note) You really are a pack rat.
Gillian: You could have just told me what this was for.
Cal: No. You're a terrible liar.
Gillian: Normal people think that's a good thing.