Peggy: Don't do anything stupid.
Abe: Hey, it's too late. I'm going to Harlem in a tuxedo.

He's the head of accounts. He's like Roger, with bad breath.


Sylvia: I pray for you.
Don: For me to come back?
Sylvia: No, for you to find peace.

I'm sorry my accomplishments happened in broad daylight and I can't be given the same rewards.


Honey, I can tolerate this, but I can't encourage it.


It's all about what it looks like, isn't it?


I refuse to be a failure. I don't care what you want anymore. This is how it's going to work.You will be here only when I tell you to be here. I'm drawing a 50-mile radius around this house and if you so much as open your fly to urinate, I will destroy you. You understand?


I want you. I want you all the time. If you've suddenly discovered you want something more than that, well that's news, isn't it?


We're having dinner together and I'm sorry that I thought we could spend time together outside your mate's room.


There's nothing like things going badly when you leave, is there?


Ted: Proof points: Has baking soda. Makes you nicer if you're stinky. Kills overly critical bacteria. Target: Professional women and other Olsons.
Peggy: Just give it to me.
Ted: Calm down. I think this is just somebody's idea of a joke.
Peggy: Of course when you want them to be funny, they're useless.

Well, it's nice to know that no matter what, I got something done today.


Mad Men Season 6 Quotes

Well, it's nice to know that no matter what, I got something done today.


Oh it's just filled with profanity, marijuana smoking and simulated sexual acts. And a few songs.
