Stevie: Why won't Russell answer my text?
Jason: Um, other than helping run the most powerful country in the world?

Russell: I don't need to ask what the meaning of life is, because I already know.
Henry: You do? Well, hey, I'm all ears.
Russell: Be good to the people you love, work hard at the things you care about.
Henry: Well, that's great, except it's killing you.

When properly motivated, the United States always has a say.


Blake: You're still planning to fire me in six months?
Elizabeth: I fire because I love. Move up or move out, Blake.

Elizabeth [pointing at a pastry]: To be clear, that's the last I wanna see of that today.
Blake: No purse muffin?!

Neal: So, I wanted to ask you, uh, about the impact of the job on your family. [Elizabeth's phone buzzes]
Elizabeth: I am so sorry, I have to take this.
Allison: And there you pretty much have it. Pasta?

Everyone in this town worth anything has an oppo file. Using it against them is the last refuge of a scoundrel.


So I hear our senator from Arizona wants to play hard ball and you showed up with a Wiffle bat.


Lisa: You know, I love being coached on how to improve my life by a gossip-monger eating ramen in a sweaty press pool.
Neal: Yeah? Well, a life of integrity means you eat a lot of ramen!

Amina: It can't be that hard, writing a positive profile?
Neal: You can't a drawing without shadows. Not a good one.

I'm Blake Moran, assistant to the Secretary and the best snacks are one flight down. I hope that's not classified.

Blake [to reporter]

Jason: How do I make the pain go away?
Stevie: You kinda don't. You just gotta wallow in it for as long as it takes.
Jason: Well, this sucks.

Madam Secretary Season 4 Quotes

Ah, the familiar rustle of Capitalism at work.

Jason [seeing the shopping bags]

Elizabeth: I love Bed Bath & Beyond.
Allison: Yes, you do.
Elizabeth: Because they have everything, they have things you didn't even know you wanted. That's where the "Beyond" part kicks in.