Daisy: He was free to leave Myanmar at any time. He said as long as his people were imprisoned under military dictatorship, he'd stay in prison with them.
Blake: That's hot.

Blake: Look at that. This guy's been in prison for ten years and now he's president.
Matt: Well, house arrest. It's not exactly prison.
Kat: Mmm.
Matt: It's different.
Kat: It's not like he had Netflix.

Elizabeth: Mr. President. [referring to the crowd] I didn't realize you were the fifth Beatle.
Khaing: Don't tell Yoko.

Allison: Do you have time for muffin?
Elizabeth: What kind of life would I be living if I didn't have time for a muffin?
Allison: Not your best one.

I'll be happy to get back to security briefings. Why does anyone watch cable news?


You know that LGBTQ-friendly NGO, Rainbow Georgia, that you worked with? One of their employees gave us up. Why? He hates Kurds. You see, being righteous in one area doesn't mean that you are righteous in all areas.


Woah, dude. You're acting like I'm using trivia to fill some void or distract myself from feeling a little stalled out lately because my love life is nonexistent and sometimes the loneliness in my apartment feels like a prison.


Will: I get it. You can't talk to your parents about everything, and it's embarrassing to buy them yourself. [slaps a ziploc of condoms on the table]
Jason: No, no, no, no, that's...
Will: No, it's okay, I got 'em from the clinic. Should see you through the month. There's a big jump in STDs in your age group. Syphilis is back!

Kat: Okay, human traffickers?
Jay: You're kidding.
Kat: Yeah, of course I'm kidding. They're the most evil monsters belched from Hell the earth has ever known. Although...
Jay: Stop. We may not have any legal options, but we're not going straight up immoral.

Kat: Oh, I like that. 'Different.' Yeah, I...yeah. Yeah, I had long hair, and, uh, wore dresses and heels and makeup, and, um, sometimes it felt like me. And sometimes...it felt like a costume I had to wear to survive, and gain access.
Jay: So what made you...this you?
Kat: I survived and gained access.

I'm bisexual. Uh, you can also say pansexual or, uh, fluid or non-monosexual, but uh... . Yeah, I'm queer.


Elizabeth [about Jason]: He's just a teenager, and we are a little less now. It's nature's way of making him leave the house when he graduates.
Henry: Yeah. That didn't work out so well with the other two.

Madam Secretary Season 4 Quotes

Ah, the familiar rustle of Capitalism at work.

Jason [seeing the shopping bags]

Elizabeth: I love Bed Bath & Beyond.
Allison: Yes, you do.
Elizabeth: Because they have everything, they have things you didn't even know you wanted. That's where the "Beyond" part kicks in.