Elizabeth: Conrad, when we were at the CIA, did you favor me?
Dalton: Of course. You were smart, diligent, and could think independently. What kind of boss would I be if I didn't favor that?

Kat: Deputy Secretary. Secretary McCord and I take these allegations seriously and I suggest you do too.
Bailey: Do you want to hear my side of the story or have you done away with due process?

No one gets to shape this country by being the noble candidate that lost.


I'm about to host a global conference on climate change and your party can't even agree there's a climate.


I'm going to get attacked a lot. It just means they're nervous about me.


I just lectured China about global nationalism and now we're fighting it right here at home.


What is that, a campaign announcement or a call to revolt?


It is always impressive the amount of strength leaders display when they are about to leave office.


The world is moving on. Playing politics. Selling jets.


She's not likeable. I hate her voice. These are the things I was ready for. But she slept her way to the top? What century are we in?


Russell: I didn't realize I was crashing a party.
Mike: You're always on the guest list.
Russell: There is a story coming out in the Washington Chronicle saying that you had a relationship of an intimate nature with Conrad Dalton while you were both at the CIA.

Henry: Okay. I'll let her in.
Elizabeth: No, I'll let her in. You two have to go upstairs.
Henry: Oh right. Stevie! Time for us to go into exile.

Madam Secretary Season 5 Quotes

I acknowledge, the United States is far from perfect. But one lesson India can take from America, despite our shortcomings, is that we have only approached our democratic ideals when we've striven to include *all* voices.


Elizabeth: I'm starting to feel silently judged.
Henry: I'm just unpacking, babe.
Elizabeth: After 28 years, I know 'just unpacking,' and that isn't it.