Elizabeth: Okay. Disengaging in 3...2...1.
Henry: Whoa. The countdown. I haven't heard that since Jason went to summer camp.

I work for the Secretary of State and I understand CDC protocols, but I'd really like to get to work.


You know what's scarier than big government? Massive typhoons in the Pacific, drought and wildfire in the US West.


You know how President Truman said if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog? I did. Now what?


David: I don't know what to do.
Elizabeth: Declare martial law, get everyone to staging points and follow instructions.
David: I don't know what to say.
Elizabeth: The truth, even when it hurts.

Elizabeth: I'm not your puppet. If I see a chance to change the paradigm, I'm going to take it.
Mike: Why can't you trust me?
Elizabeth: Because I'm not a politician.
Mike: And that's why you're going to lose.

They can't even debate climate change in Congress because of a kabal of special interests that won't let them.


Daisy: The alternative is prison.
Bryce: Prison? What do you mean?
Matt: Jail.
Bryce's lawyer: You're seriously overextended, Bryce.
Bryce: You told me islands were a good investment!

Surely you're not suggesting that this storm is Nahru's fault, because they're sinners.


David: Nahru has been my people's home for 3000 years. We speak a language no one else speaks. We will never leave!
Elizabeth: Even at the cost of your lives?
David: Yes!

David: I only took this job to pay for grad school.
Elizabeth: I know you never signed up to be President. We're going to get you on a flight to Hawaii -
David: I don't know if my mother is alive or dead and you're telling me I have to take care of everybody?

Elizabeth: Has Russell signed off on this?
Mike: What's not to like?
Elizabeth: For starters, 90% of his policy positions. Climate change, healthcare, detentions at the border...
Mike: What's your brand again?
Elizabeth: Nice lady with the glasses.
Mike: Diplomacy.

Madam Secretary Season 5 Quotes

I acknowledge, the United States is far from perfect. But one lesson India can take from America, despite our shortcomings, is that we have only approached our democratic ideals when we've striven to include *all* voices.


Elizabeth: I'm starting to feel silently judged.
Henry: I'm just unpacking, babe.
Elizabeth: After 28 years, I know 'just unpacking,' and that isn't it.