Elizabeth: The bombing was a long time ago. I feel like I should be over it. And then there's this thing where it's like, if I'm talking about it, I'm bringing it into the house. Like I can keep it at bay if I don't give it a name.
Henry: This is why we have got to educate people about this issue.

Not everyone who experiences a traumatic event experiences PTSD. That's part of the problem. It's entirely unpredictable.


It's not that complicated. The VA has modernized its appeals process and now it's time for mental health to get an overhaul.


Stevie: Talia didn't tell me that -
Dmitri: That she's setting us up? Me either. She told me that she needed my approval for a new guy she is dating.
Stevie: She knew how to get you here.
Dmitri: My sister watches too many rom-coms.

I'm sorry, Henry. I think what we need is a real debate, not grandstanding with a recipient of the Medal of Honor.


This is how veterans are treated in this country every day. All this 'thank you for your service.' I'd trade all those platitudes for someone who cares.

Brad Jenkins

Blake: I've got one. 'The female candidate, looking pale and drawn...'
Daisy: Translation - a woman candidate got off her bus without doing her makeup.
Blake: I don't understand. She's a former CIA operative who survived a bombing and an attempted coup in Iran. Meanwhile, most members of Congress can't mow their lawn.

It's not the VA's fault. They're understaffed and underfunded. Congress needs to do its job.


Major Jenkins has brought great credit on himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marines. Because of you, 10 Marines were saved and two more came home. God bless you Major Jenkins, and God bless the Marines. Sempre fi.


Russell: The President's job is to lead, not to explain or ask for support.
Elizabeth: When you put it that way, you sound like the patriarchy telling me to do things the way they've always been done.

If nuclear weapons have taught us anything, it's that no one ever wins an arms race.


No, ma'am, you have done something wrong by staying silent. They deserve a President who will stand by their sacrifice and not apologize for it.
