I don't believe in a traditional god, like, white man in the sky watching down on us all in judgement, but I believe in a higher power that I can talk to, that has my back in some cosmic way.


She's crazy. I'm just impressionable.


Suffering isn't always physical.

Mary: We help people who want to die.
Des: No, we help the terminally ill shuffle across that rainbow bridge a bit faster. We don't murder perfectly healthy individuals who happen to be a bit sad!

Des: Our service is for people who are dying.
Betty: We're all dying. It's just a matter of timing.

Des: Why don't you want me to come with you?
Mary: Because you're on parole. I'm fairly certain one of your conditions would be 'no killing people'

A friend once told me that life can make you strong or it can break you. There isn't much in between. I believe that this experience has made me stronger. It's shaped me into a better version of myself.


Mary Kills People Season 2 Quotes

Des: Why don't you want me to come with you?
Mary: Because you're on parole. I'm fairly certain one of your conditions would be 'no killing people'

A friend once told me that life can make you strong or it can break you. There isn't much in between. I believe that this experience has made me stronger. It's shaped me into a better version of myself.
