Phyllis: Your husband supports you leaving your children on a Saturday afternoon?
Jill: Yes, he wants me to have my own life, my own career.
Phyllis: Well, there's nothing stopping you from doing just that.

Do you know what I had to do to get my commission funded? I had to let more than a dozen congressmen put a hand on my arm, my hip, my backside. More than a dozen demanded to see my pretty smile before they agreed to sign on. I had to say, "you'd be our hero," and "you have so much clout," more times than I can remember. And that is nothing compared to what those secretaries on the Hill are dealing with on a daily basis.


Let me tell you something about those kind of women, Phyllis. They could be me, they could be you! They're just trying to get a fair shake. They wanna go to work, get paid, go home. They're not asking to be harassed, manhandled, degraded, assaulted.


Stan: Well, perhaps the answer to equality lies in the courts.
Ruth: Rulings can be overturned. Writing an explicit prohibition against sex discrimination into the constitution makes it just as unacceptable as discriminating on the basis of race.

Besides, you can't reason with women like Phyllis, they've internalized the patriarchy.


What if you didn't have to be this or that? I mean, what if there was another way? Isn't that the whole point of living a radical life?


Fred: What was the biggest taking point between North and South Vietnamese during the Paris Peace Talks?
Phyllis: The shape of the negotiating table.
Fred: So, if you don't like the terms of the debate, change the shape of the table.

There will be no Lavender Menace bullshit here. Lesbians are welcome. Horizontal hostility is not.


Natalie: Betty knows what she's doing.
Gloria: It's just we all agreed on a—
Natalie: Who agreed? You and Bella?
Gloria: We try and work with her but she can be… she has a difficult personality. Maybe you don't see that side of her because you're friends—
Natalie: Oh no, no, Betty is impossible. But without her, there's no NOW, no Women's Political Caucus, no NARAL. We get to do what we do because she risked everything. So before you tell her what she can and cannot do, consider just saying thank you.

Betty: The ERA is in danger, and everyone is too busy fawning over Gloria to listen to me, it's absurd! Are they so blinded by all the hair?
Natalie: So make them listen. You're Betty Friedan, for Christ's sake.

We're a political movement, not a sorority.


You were right. We don't get to decide how the battle lines are drawn, or how the male press portrays us. I have been thinking about the first time I read The Feminine Mystique. Why should women accept this picture of a half-life, instead of sharing the whole of human destiny? I don't know if I ever told you… your book changed my life. Thank you.


Mrs. America Season 1 Quotes

How long are we supposed to wait? How many more women are going to die from botched abortions while we wait for men to feel comfortable with us having control over our own bodies? How many women are going to be forced to give birth to babies they can't afford to feed while we wait for housewives who have no idea what it's like to have to work to survive to feel comfortable with women having power? How long do we give people to adapt to change? Am I the only one who's so fucking tired of waiting?


You got into this race to get us out of the war. This is our Vietnam.
