You keep insisting that a woman's place is in the home. But you waltz in around the country decrying us for trying to open career opportunities to women, and this is what I can't stand -- the hypocrisy!


And I do believe that if we want the same rights as men, we have to be able to accept the same responsibilities!


Shirley: The caucus wants me to drop out, release my delegates to McGovern.
Conrad: Which one?
Shirley: Take your pick. They both have been talking to high heaven ever since way back. A female president by '76, a black president; but when push comes to shove, it's like Pops always said, one hand won't clap, and they can't see it!

If we don't demand true equality, we are always going to be begging the men for a few crumbs from the pie. Trading women for an empty promise.


In this country, everybody is supposed to be able to run for president, but that has never really been true. Somebody had to do it first! So I did it. I did it because I was the only one who had the audacity to shake this system up!


Why am I the only one at this convention who thinks a black woman being president is worth the run?!


I didn't get anywhere in my life waiting on somebody's permission.


How long are we supposed to wait? How many more women are going to die from botched abortions while we wait for men to feel comfortable with us having control over our own bodies? How many women are going to be forced to give birth to babies they can't afford to feed while we wait for housewives who have no idea what it's like to have to work to survive to feel comfortable with women having power? How long do we give people to adapt to change? Am I the only one who's so fucking tired of waiting?


You got into this race to get us out of the war. This is our Vietnam.


Mrs. America Season 1 Quotes

How long are we supposed to wait? How many more women are going to die from botched abortions while we wait for men to feel comfortable with us having control over our own bodies? How many women are going to be forced to give birth to babies they can't afford to feed while we wait for housewives who have no idea what it's like to have to work to survive to feel comfortable with women having power? How long do we give people to adapt to change? Am I the only one who's so fucking tired of waiting?


You got into this race to get us out of the war. This is our Vietnam.
