Somebody knows what happened to Dolores.

This precinct is on lockdown.


Why is that camera different than the others?

Amanda: What's the deal with you and Nancy? You two ever hook up?
Ace: What?
Amanda: I just get a vibe. And if you did, I wouldn't be mad at it. I mean, she is foxy.
Ace: There's no vibe. We're just friends.

You know, I have this pattern of relying on other people to make myself feel loved. And I know it's unhealthy, but I'm just terrified of being alone.


Nick: Okay, my loft's mostly made of bricks. It's way more fire-resistant than this place.
Bess: Yes, and it's nearly empty because you have no tenants!
Nick: What?
Bess: Does that hit a sore spot?

George: So Ace and Amanda are a thing now?
Bess: Oh, do we like her?
Nancy: She's competent.

Nancy: You and Amanda.
Ace: You and Gil.

We are not risking Ace's life. No.

Jesse: Besides, after you fall asleep after a long day, Odette comes out.
George: What? You've met Odette?
Jesse: Yeah, she helps me with my French homework.

Grant, listen to me. You had the guts to leave home, leave witness protection to come find me. You can do this. Okay? Trust me. I'm your brother.


Grant: Daniel will be here in twenty-four hours, which is why I decided to confide in you.
Ace: Because you heard that I've been called the hero of Horseshoe Bay?
Grant: Because I knew you could talk Nancy Drew into helping me.
Ace: That was my second guess.

Nancy Drew Season 2 Quotes

Nick: Hey, Nancy was right. Spiraling about fear won't get us anywhere.
Ace: She was just saying that for moral. I don't think she believes it herself.
Nick: It's not like you to have doubts about Nancy. You were ready to drink poison for her.

Bess: Maybe these are visions of what could potentially happen. You know, not actually our future.
Ace: Like a proposed death. Like a serving suggestion on a waffle box.