Chief Choi: Jones’s body, it’s gone!
Jimmy Palmer: This’ll complicate the autopsy

Jimmy Palmer: We just traveled about three hundred miles in 90 minutes!
Gibbs: Felt a lot longer to me!

Tagger: [spraypaints ‘FU’ on a sign, then hears a horse. He turns around to see a mounted police officer.]
Sgt. Dawson: Let me guess -- ‘FUN’? You like this place so much you just had to tell the world. I get it, I like it here, too!
Tagger: [runs away]

McGee: There’s an entire American sub-culture devoted to bone collecting.
Bishop: How do you know that?
Gibbs: He dated Abby!

Torres: Horses are not dogs, man.
Sgt. Dawson: You don’t miss a thing!

Nelson: My carbon footprint is very low.
Gibbs: Aside from smoking like a chimney.
Nelson: That’s the only reason I got busted.
McGee: You lit up in a public place, it’s against the law.
Nelson: Apparently, horses can smell prime kush for miles!

Gibbs: That’s a new lock!
Sgt. Dawson: About as secure as a screen door on a submarine.

Reeves: He liked me? The man said two things to me -- ‘Hello’ and then ‘Get out of the room.’ I’m pretty sure he thought I was the butler!
Torres: So did I, at first! Reeves, Jeeves. So confusing.
Reeves: That’s funny. I can also think of something that rhymes with 'Nick'!
Torres: 'Slick'?
Reeves: Try again!

So this is what it’ll be like when Abby gets a wax figure at Madame Tussauds!


You and I know that life is a near-death experience.


You did the wrong thing for the right reasons. Never do that again.


I can’t help unless you help yourself. Time to tear off that band-aid.


NCIS Season 14 Quotes

You're like the Goldilocks of NCIS!

Quinn [to Gibbs]

I love this sofa. It's like being hugged by a microfiber cloud!
