Scotty will keep trying to burn the house down until he is heard.


So what's the but...the but with one t, not two.


You give a Fed an inch they'll take a mile.


Nolan: Does this window open?
Dani: No, why?
Nolan: Because I want to kill myself.

Did I just get Jetered in my own home?


Sheera: I hope you're not a sprinter.
TK: I am a marathon man.

Nico: I guess you won't be buying his book anytime soon.
Dani: Not unless I run out of firewood.

Are you pimping or assisting?


Necessary Roughness Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Nico: I guess you won't be buying his book anytime soon.
Dani: Not unless I run out of firewood.

Are you pimping or assisting?
