Nirmala: I need to tell everyone something. I know this family looks to me as a pillar of morality, almost godlike in virtue, but I'm a mere woman. A woman with needs. So I would like it to be known that I'm dating someone. He's a white man named Len.
Kamala: Once again, you really didn't need to mention his race.
Nirmala: And we've been going on clandestine, unchaperoned lunches together. There. The truth is out. Disown me if you must.

Eleanor: 'Sup, Ethan? Cool bruise.
Ethan: Uh… Yeah, I fell.
Eleanor: Wow, you're crazy.

Nirmala: Kamala, please meet my white boyfriend.
Kamala: Why tell me he's white? I can see him.

Aneesa: That's not why girls don't join robotics. It's because your team is Incel City, USA.
Fabiola: That's not true. Eric's far from celibate. There is no restroom stall in the school that he and Rosalia haven't hooked up in. He tells us about it at the top of every meeting.
Aneesa: Yeah. Do you see how women might not jump at the chance to listen to that?
Fabiola: Hold up. Aneesa, are you saying that the team that I'm captain of is toxic?

Never Have I Ever Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Aneesa: That's not why girls don't join robotics. It's because your team is Incel City, USA.
Fabiola: That's not true. Eric's far from celibate. There is no restroom stall in the school that he and Rosalia haven't hooked up in. He tells us about it at the top of every meeting.
Aneesa: Yeah. Do you see how women might not jump at the chance to listen to that?
Fabiola: Hold up. Aneesa, are you saying that the team that I'm captain of is toxic?

Nirmala: Kamala, please meet my white boyfriend.
Kamala: Why tell me he's white? I can see him.