It's not like she rode off on a unicorn. She got sucked up by a vortex of evil.


Put that thing down before you hurt yourself, Guyliner.


Hook: It needs darkness. You've gone soft.
Regina: You want to see soft? Why don't I use that hook to show you your intestines?

You know you can still deliver a baby without a tongue.


Merida: In my land, people, well men, don't think a woman can lead.
Emma: Oh, not just in your land.

Maybe you like having a hook. Maybe you'd like another.


Well, you don't look like a crocodile?


There's no savior in this town any more.


I spent over a century trying to find a way to kill the bloody crocodile. I can spend at least that long trying to save the woman I love.


This may be who you think you are but this isn't who I am.


I should be figuring out how to free Merlin, not fox trotting my away across club medieval.


Snow Queen, Pan, Trio of Terror. We can handle villains like that but Emma. She knows how we beat bad guys. Heck, she beat most of them for us.


Once Upon a Time Quotes

She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her!

Snow White

Out of your suffering will rise my victory.

Evil Queen