Unfortunately, I'm a little busy trying to save my true love's wife or hadn't you heard?


It will be like old times. A prince and a princess on an adventure but without the evil queen on our trail.


I can’t offer you a legend, but I can offer you my heart.


Will Scarlett: got drunk and broke into a library.
Mary Margaret: Oh, a busy bookworm.

A word of advice, get a warm coat. It's going to get a bit cooler around here.

The Snow Queen

Well, it's your lucky day because this is our last free sample and I always save the best for, well, last.


I'm not going to stop trying, even if you still want to kill me.


Regina: Emma, wait. I don't want to kill you.
Emma: See, that's a start.

Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen?


You know I'll support you no matter what, unless I think it's really dumb, then I'll tell you.


(to Emma) You're the first sheriff I don't mind assisting.

Robin Hood

Margot: Tilly, right?
Tilly: Yeah, you remember me.
Margot: I saved your life the other day. Kind of makes you hard to forget.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
