He's here. Get him out of my life. Now.


You honestly think a pincushion is going to work on me?


Go take yourself for a walk.

Regina (to Red)

Liam: Is that really what he needs, or what you need?
Emma: Were you this self righteous when you were alive.

She's going to be fine. I've seen Anna fight wolves and snow monsters and that idiot from the South Isles.


Always a villain, even when I'm not.


Fiona: It is a vile, dangerous world, son.
Rumple: Because of villains like you. And me.

The one thing no one can escape. Destiny. And I promise, yours is particularly unpleasant.

Mr. Gold

Despite my best intentions things don't grow here they decay, but it's our decay.


Felix: Outwitting the Evil Queen in less than a day. That's impressive.
Peter Pan: She loves the boy. That makes her weak.

Drizella: A curse is coming. On your darling child's eighth birthday, all your lives as you know them will end.
Hook: Perhaps you misread the prophecy, love. You missed the part were we defeat you.

No, because I already know you're not good enough.


Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
