Once I saw the man behind the beast. Now there's only a beast.


You'd never give up power for me Rumpel. You never have, you never will.


Cruella! I thought I caught a whiff of desperation and gin.


Tell Henry I'll miss him and his charming attempts at sniffing around my shop.


The best example I can set for my son is to live truthfully, to follow my heart to you.

Robin Hood

I don't want him to be with me out of obligation. I want to be chosen.


You think the spell has made me angry? Do not wake my baby!

Mary Margaret

Henry: There's no way I'm going anywhere with a dirty pirate.
Hook: Dirty? I bathe quite frequently, thank you very much.

Mary Margaret: You know what, Swiss Miss? You do know me. I pick flowers. I talk to birds. I do all kinds of warm fuzzy things. You know what else? I kill. Yeah, that's right. Snow White's a murderer. I killed the Evil Queen's mommy and I said I was sorry and I didn't mean it.
Anna: That's horrible.
Mary Margaret: Still want to hold hands, sing Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah?

Someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery.

Mary Margaret

David: I swaddle him perfectly.
Mary Margaret: He's a baby not a breakfast burrito.

You won't win. Villains never do.
