Susan Duncan: Everyone needs a purpose in life. Ours is all in service of the greater good.
Rachel: What is it, Mother? What is our greater good?
Susan Duncan: To control human evolution, darling. To create a more perfect human being.

Cosima: You killed Aldous Leekie?
Donnie: Boy, did I ever... Yeah.

Hello, husband Donald.


Adele: Do you remember your mom?
Felix: It's more like I have a sense of her. Like, you know, I can feel her presence, or I got this sensation. Beam of sunlight comes through the window and falls a certain way.

Alison: What?
Donnie: I said, it smells like hot garbage juice!

Perhaps she's upset because her pituitary hormone therapy has given her facial hair.

Ira [about Rachel]

She is so bloody cool. You are going to think she's amazing. She's a lawyer. Or she was, but there's some kind of, like, disbarment situation or something...

Felix [about Adele]

Donnie: Alie, we are not going to exhume the dead guy in our garage. That is a haywire plan.
Alison: Donnie, my sister has a robot maggot in her face. You tell me what the solid plan is.

They never tell me when things are bad but I always know.


Alison: But she didn't share every little thing, she protected us.
Cosima: Like from a clone in a mask. What's up with that?
Sarah: Art just said she wore a sheep mask. What?
Cosima [laughing]: Dolly the sheep.
Alison: For the record, I do not find that even remotely amusing.

Welcome home, sestra.


Mommy... They're coming.


Orphan Black Season 4 Quotes

OK, well, that's cheeky. Cause of death? Have to go with... exploding cigar.

Janis Beckwith

M.K.: Follow the coordinates.
Beth: What?
M.K.: Remember, don't trust anyone next to you.