She asked forgiveness and I gave it, but the truth is I'd forgiven everything she'd done and everything she could do long before that day. For me, that was no choice, that was falling in love.


Jamie: I went to ye at Fort armed with an empty pistol and my bare hands. When you screamed... Ye're tearing my guts out, Claire.
Claire: I'm sorry. Jamie. Forgive me.
Jamie: Forgiven.

Claire: You are sure there's water down there, aren't you?
Jamie: Aye. I think so.

I've always known I've lived a like different from other men. When I was a lad I saw no path before me, I simply took a step and then another. Ever forward, ever onward, rushing toward someplace I knew not where. And one day I turned around and looked back and saw that each step I'd taken was a choice, to go left, to go right, to go forward or even to not go at all. Every day every man has a choice between right and wrong, between love and hate, and sometimes between life and death and the sum of those choices becomes your life. The day I realized that is the day that I became a man.


I was back to the place where'd it all begun. So much had happened, so much had changed. Last I was here I was Claire Randall, then Claire Beauchamp and Claire Fraser. The question was, who did I want to be?


Jamie: I'll thank you to take your hands off my wife.
Randall (smiling): Good God.

  • Permalink: Good God.
  • Added:

Perhaps he will be displeased and take measures to terminate your special relationship, withdraw the protection to which you've become accustomed and thus leave you at the mercy of your superior officers and local authorities.


Madam, you need to understand your position in this, our third encounter. I fully intend by any means necessary to discover both your true nature and the secrets that you hold.


He would have no advance notice of my capture, no time plan his interrogation. I, on the other hand, had the entire jolting journey in the back of the wagon to think. It was my one advantage. I prayed it would be enough.


My mind jumped and danced from thought to thought like a stone skipping across a pond.


The circle at Craigh na Dun marks a place on the Earth where the powers of nature come together - for certain people on certain days, it allows them to pierce the veil of time.

Mrs. Graham

Does it ever stop? The wanting you?


Outlander Season 1 Quotes

Sex was our bridge back to one another. The one place where we always met. Whatever obstacles presented themselves during the day or night, we could seek out and find each other again in bed. As long as we had that, I had faith that everything would work out.

Claire voiceover about Frank

The war had taught me to cherish the present because tomorrow might not ever come to pass. What I didn’t know at the time was that tomorrow would prove less important than yesterday.
