Lady Ray: I always knew you were the one to lead this clan, child and look at you now.
G'win: It's not all I hoped it would be.
Lady Ray: It never is. It sure wasn't for me.

I wanted to play last night, but y'all was crashed out on my couch.


Prisoner: That's our food.
Lil' Foster: Your food tastes like shit.

Wade: Is there any particular reason you're in my office?
Matt: Yeah, sit down.
Wade: I would, but you're in my seat.

Sally Ann: Can I help?
Frieda: Well, you might as well heat up some eggs now that you are eating for two.

Sally Ann: I'm glad you're happy to see me.
Hasil: Yeah.
Sally Ann: I was worried, I thought you'd be mad at me.
Hasil: I wasn't mad at you.
Sally Ann: Hmm?
Hasil: No, I was worried more than anything. I mean, you told me that we ain't got nothing in common.
Sally Ann: I know what I said, Hasil. The truth is that we got something in common.
Hasil: What's that?
Sally Ann: I'm pregnant.

Then get the hell out. Don't never come back, you Farrells.


Doctor: Who is the President of the United States?
Li'l Foster: I don't know that.
Doctor: Right, it's probably best that you don't know. It will keep your blood pressure down.

This new Big Foster is not the same, and with the world below plotting to crush us and take our home, what sense does it make to send away our most dedicated warrior?


You are the rightful Brenin. My faith is in your hands.


I've seen the looks on some those faces when G'Win speaks and on those same faces when you come back.


Wade: It's pancreatic cancer.
Haylie: Wade, I'm so sorry.
Wade: How sorry?
Haylie: Well, I don't control who gets health care.

Outsiders Season 2 Quotes

Gw'ynn: Just find your fa. I'll handle Asa.
Little Foster: So you say.

You married my fa for this stick and then tried to poison him and when that didn't work you, had your lostie, Asa try to kill him.

Little Foster