Sunja: Brother-In-Law, will you name the baby?
Joseb: Me? I don't deserve that honor.
Isak: You are the crown of this family. It's not an honor, but a duty.

Bokhee: What is it? What do you want to sell me today?
Sunja: Have I really changed that much? I suppose I must have.
Bokhee: Sunja? Sunja is that really you?
Sunja: Sister! It's me. Bokhee my Sister!
Bokhee: You came back!

Sunja: When does it go away? This ache. When does it stop?
Kyunghee: It doesn't. But you'll learn to endure it. Trust me.

Yoseb: A girl like that... She might have planned to trap him.
Kyunghee: Yoseb!
Yoseb: We've taken in someone we know nothing about! Doesn't that worry you?

Yoseb: I admit, Kyunghee and I were very surprised by the news. And already with a child.
Isak: We have been blessed. That is how we see it.
Yoseb: How are you feeling?
Sunja: I'm relieved to be on land again, and grateful to be welcomed into your home--
Yoseb: -- No need, we are family now.

Koh Hansu: That is my blood you carry.
Sunja: No. This is my child. Mine.

Sunja: How can you speak of him like that? He is my husband now. He did what you could not.
Koh Hansu: I offered you so much more.
Sunja: You offered me shame, nothing more.

You and I, we have no family. No name, no dowry. Our only option is to take a man just as penniless. And then what? We can't afford to live together. And if we had children we'd just be bringing them into the same miserable poverty. So what's the point? Why bother dealing with marriage when we aren't even entitled to any of its benefits? That's how it is for us. That's how it will always be for us.


Shopkeeper: Three bowls.
Sunja's Mom: Thank you.
Shopkeeper: Perhaps the taste of it will swallow some of your sorrow as well.

Isak: Pastor, is this necessary?
Pastor: It gives me no comfort to say such things, but we live in difficult, callous times. Eve good people find themselves preying upon the weakness of others.

Father: He has been promoted to vice-president by his American bank!
Hiroto-San: Not bad for the son of a Pachinko man. Is it true you went to Yale?
Solomon: If my father says so, then it must be.

You have the Japanese buying dollars, and the U.S. buying Deutschmarks, and the Germans buying sterling, and so on and so on. All of that amounts to is money moving around the world so fast that individual currencies become irrelevant.


Pachinko Season 1 Quotes

Young Sunja: He doesn't look very happy.
Fisherman: That's because even the most wretched creatures yearn to live.
Young Sunja: Not the lady who sells chestnuts.

Father: He has been promoted to vice-president by his American bank!
Hiroto-San: Not bad for the son of a Pachinko man. Is it true you went to Yale?
Solomon: If my father says so, then it must be.