Amber: What's goin' on?
Adam: You asked me to be honest with you. I don't have a backup plan. And I don't have a backup plan for my backup plan. I just know that I'm not gonna quit until you get this raise that you deserve. OK? We're family and we're gonna take care of you. OK?
Amber: Thanks boss.
Adam: I love you.
Amber: I love you, too.

Crosby: I love our house. I don't want to leave her. I'm so sorry I got us into this situation.
Jasmine: I love our house, too. You built us a beautiful house and the Luncheonette is an amazing place and you made it happen. But I don't care about any of that. Losing those things doesn't scare me at all. You not talking to me and you running off in the middle of the night? That scares me. Hey. You're my guy. For the rest of my life. You're all we need.

Max: We've now had two dates. Would you like to stay the night?
Dylan: Ummm...
Max: I read online that I can ask that now.
Dylan: Sure!
Kristina: Buddy, I'm gonna weigh in real quick. I don't think going online is the best way to figure that out.
Max: She only likes me a two and a half so there is no desire for intercourse.
Dylan: TMI dude!
Kristina: Alright that is not appropriate, intercourse.

Yes. Everything's growing except my salary.


You're funny and you have nice eyes. You know, when you actually looks directly at someone.


Parenthood Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Yes. Everything's growing except my salary.


You're funny and you have nice eyes. You know, when you actually looks directly at someone.
