Jimmy: You don't want...
Lou-Lou: Yeah, I do.

Your brother's gotta go.

Sal [to Raq]

Jukebox: Why are all these people here?
Kenya: Because they care for you. We all love you. God loves you. And we want to help you. We want to turn you into the person you want to be.
Jukebox: I am the person I want to be.
Kenya: But you're not the person God wants you to be.

My damn mother.

This dumb, slow, weird motherfucker gonna say, 'I'll hit you.' Godamn, Marvin.


Zisa: You know most dudes would like, kill to get with me?
Lou-Lou: I ain't most dudes.

Raq: When I brought you back in, we said no more secrets, Kanan. No more lies.
Kanan: We did.
Raq: Well, there's something you wanna say to me; you should probably say it. Don't dance around it, boy.
Kanan: The house is nice.

Jukebox: Raq love you, Kanan.
Kanan: But sometimes it feel like she use that love to do a whole lot of ill shit.

Ain't you the one who said insubordination leads to insurrection? Or is that just some shit you talk?

Raq [to Cartier]

Kenya is on her own shit. Always has been.

Marvin [to Jukebox]

Symphony: What'd I do?
Burke: I don't know yet.
Symphony: That sounds unconstitutional. But not unusual.

Howard: Raquel, if you keep putting Kanan in the crosshairs, eventually he's gonna get hit.
Raq: Yeah, well, you handle your business. I'll handle mine.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 2 Quotes

Burke: Howard, whoever shot you is still out there. And Homicide doesn't have any suspects at all right now. I'm concerned about that. You should be, too.
Howard: I'm only concerned with the shit I can control. Look, when you stare death in the face like I did, you start getting real philosophical about shit. Like the song says, I think very deeply.

I never let anything happen to you. I got you. You know I got you.

Raq [to Kanan]