No kissing on campus. That was rule... I'm not sure which rule that was, but it's an important one


You're not gonna start singing songs from Annie are you? Because I bet my bottom dollar that you could.


Rose: It's not gonna be a high school party.. older people are coming... actually Will's gonna be there
Megan: excellent... yeah I'll bring enough Bengay for the both of us. That's arthritis medicine

Marco: Go on just pretend like we're not even here
Megan: I'm not talking to myself. I'm just practicing a conversation I'm going to have with a real person a later date. Totally different.

God is not a republican... he's not a democrat... I don't think he's affiliated with any politcal party... is this vodka?


Megan: Can we go to the spa?
Jacob: Patience grasshopper
Megan: Patience schmacience. i have a knot so deep in my neck it's almost a bone... I named it Sage.

I'm talking about good old fashion self respect... kinda big in the 90s... i hear it's making a big comeback


Exactly, what else is new? Uh nothing You're still a trampy little tramperstein and I'm still an idiot for being nice to you


Just cause that ship has sailed... doesn't mean it has to sail every time


Oh my god, you're on a pay phone. Do you have any Purell on you?


What's the oracle? Other than a scary lady from the Matrix? Best movie ever am I right?


[upon meeting her sister]
Rose: Wait this is so cool I want to die...
Megan: Take a number

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid