I've never told anyone this before, but donating my son's organs was incredibly difficult for me. I mean, you'd think, as a doctor, it would be easy for me. But there was a part of me that wanted my perfect, beautiful boy to stay that way.


Cat: I don't understand. Who are you? And why did I see you with my son?
Patricia: That's all I can tell you now. I shouldn't have even said this much. They told me not to talk to you.
Cat: What did you say?!

Patricia: I know you've been looking into the afterlife. I know what you've experienced and what you hope to find. But you need to stop. There are things that are not meant to be known.
Cat: What are you talking about?
Patricia: Nothing good can come from continuting your investigation. Leave it alone. For your own good and those you care about.

I'm through looking for life after death. I need to concentrate on my work right here.


Peter: I use techniques to read people. When the power isn't in me, I tell people what they want to hear.
Cat: Are you saying you that fake it?
Peter: I'm saying that I've gotten so good, I'm not certain what is real and what isn't anymore.
Cat: Aren't I the last person you should be confessing that to?
Peter: You are a highly respected doctor, moonlighting as an investigator into the afterlife. You, of all people, should appreciate a secret that can ruin a career.

Cat: You know, unchecked ego is usually a sign of deep insecurity.
Peter: Is it? Well, I'll remember that the next time I check in with the world's greatest heart surgeon.

Sasha: I want to talk to you about some of your expenditures.
Ivan: Don't you ever feel like talking about something else? How about net neutrality. Do you have an opinion on that or are you neutral on neutrality?

Faith in ourselves. For some of us, that's a hell of a lot harder than faith in God.


Cat: What am I looking at?
Zed: We think that this reflection could be the glasses of Joshua Butler.
Cat: Ghosts still need glasses?

Great. The one person in the room without any medical experience is the one giving orders.


Sophie: If Ivan Turing asked you to do it, you'd be there in a minute, but be, I must be making it up.
Cat: Sophie, I really don't believe in ghosts.
Sophie: Big surprise. You really don't believe in anything.

Ivan: We've only processed a tiny fraction.
Cat: So we could have the whole thing.
Ivan: Yeah. Whatever we have, it's mixed in with all that other data. These images, these memories, it's hiding what really matters and the brain doesn't store things sequentially so we have no way of knowing what's from before Ethan's death or...elsewhere.

Proof Season 1 Quotes

Carolyn: Excuse me?
Ivan: Kicking the bucket, taking the big dirt nap. You're a doctor. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept.

Ivan: Mind if we skip the usual chit chat, like the amazing amazing architecture, what a great pleasure to meet me, all that?
Carolyn: I have rounds to make.
Ivan: Right. Good. I'm dying.